How to fix overheating laptop without taking it apart [ Amazing Guide ] -2023

How to fix overheating laptop without taking it apart

Before starting how to fix overheating laptop without taking it apart guide. A few facts need to be understood first.

Electronic gadgets are now an essential part of our daily lives. Therefore, technology is modernizing every day, and gadgets are getting smaller. The changes are being welcomed and embraced by people.

But this race of modernization and improvement brings a good and a bad side like Newton’s third law. In this race, the opposite reaction is the issue of heating. While there is a small heating issue, it is not a major problem. It appears as a big problem when our loving gadgets are overheating and we are having problems when using them. This heating issue affects every laptop user now.

Nowadays, laptops are slimmer and faster than ever before. Increasing cores and threads have enabled laptops to gain more power and now they are able to run higher-resolution displays. In addition to accelerating speed and providing better performance, processors can also overheat. Also, we are sometimes responsible for overheating problems. It is possible to fix a laptop that is overheating without taking it apart using several smart techniques.

When we are trying to solve a problem, we must first figure out what it is and why it is happening.

How do I know if my laptop is overheating?

There are many signs of excessive overheating of the laptop. In most cases, your laptop cooling fan will run at top speed and you can hear your laptop cooling fan sound clearly. Sometimes laptops shut down automatically. Feel the temperature of your laptop by touching its bottom, if it feels untouchable, it’s overheating. Small heating issues aren’t indicative of overheating. You can also use software like MSI Afterburner to monitor your laptop’s temperature and fix the problem.

Why is my laptop overheating?

The most common explanation for laptop overheating is dust. It covers the cooling fan of your laptop and traps heat inside, preventing it from ventilating. Also, if you place your laptop on a soft surface, the airflow will be blocked and it will overheat. We can also experience an overheating problem due to certain programs we use.

Let’s see How to fix overheating laptop without taking it apart :

Now that you know what the issue is and why it’s happening, you can follow these steps to fix it.

1. For natural airflow, clean the vents

Blockage of these air vents is a major cause of overheating laptops. When you have been using your laptop for a long time, it is normal for the dust to accumulate in the vents of your laptop. Your laptop’s vents can be seen beneath it. There can be so many of them. Some of them are used to extract hot air, while others absorb cold air.

When you think your laptop is overheating, check these vents and if there is no airflow, you must clean it as soon as possible. You can use compressed air for this purpose. You may be able to open the back panel for individual elements, so check that and then clean it. In order to do this, you must possess technical skills.

2. To place the laptop, choose a flat surface

Yes, you must place your laptop on a flat surface. This is because most of the laptop vants are beneath the laptop. If you place your laptop on a soft surface, the ventilation process will not be able to function normally and airflow inside a laptop can be restricted.

As a result, your laptop will heat up. so make sure you are using a flat surface-like desk to place your laptop. Also, if you can spend some money then you can buy a laptop holder or a laptop stand. It will also improve your user experience and laptop life. These things are not too expensive. You can have one within 25-50$.

3. Utilize software only when necessary

A laptop’s processor can do multiple tasks at once, but if it is cheap or does not have enough cores to tackle each task separately, it will have a hard time doing that. This will put pressure on the processor. It will result in overheating and slowing down your laptop.

So check task manager for apps that are using CPU unnecessarily. Uninstalling unwanted software applications is also an option. Use the software only when you really need it. This will prevent your processor from overheating.

4. Instead of sleep or hibernating, turn off your laptop.

While laptops are in sleep or hibernation, apps continue to run in the background. Although most of us turn off our laptops before going to bed, there are some of us who don’t. As a result, dust could accumulate.

Make sure you shut down your laptop before you go to sleep and if you have pets, keep your laptop away from places where they sleep. otherwise, vents can be blocked by pet hair.

5. Maintain the health of your battery

It is also possible for your laptop to overheat due to the battery. Most of us keep our charger plugs on all the time when using laptops. In other words, the battery is fully charged all the time. Also, some of us use all the charge from the battery and leave it at 0%. A battery will not be well served by either of these.

Do not keep your battery running at 100 percent or at 0 percent for a prolonged period.
This will result in a dead battery. You will have serious problems and your laptop will overheat if your laptop battery isn’t performing as it should.

6. CPU Turbo Boost should be turned off

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for us to turn off CPU turbo boost. because we think CPU turbo boost increases our laptop performance and really it’s true. But what do you think CPU turbo boost does?

CPU turbo boost overclocks your CPU automatically to make it more capable of handling the demands of demanding tasks. which is really consumes more power and naturally increases the temperature of your laptop.

By disabling CPU turbo boost, laptop temperatures are reduced by a few degrees. This has been seen before by many laptop users.

Disable turbo boost on Windows 10 by following these steps:

  • Select Control Panel from the search results after clicking the bottom-left Start button and typing control panel into the search field. Alternatively, press Windows+R to open the Run dialog and enter control panel in the empty field, and press ok.
  • Then find Hardware & Sound and click on it .
  • Next to the Selected Power Mode, click “Change Plan Settings”
  • Then click on Change Advanced Power Settings
  • Now Expand “Processor Power Management” and Expand “Maximum Processor State” and set the value to 99%

While using heavy software, this technic can decrease your laptop temperature by 8 to 18 degrees.

7. Using Thermal Paste

In order to keep our laptop cool, we use thermal paste between the processor and heat sink. But after a long period of use, this paste also loses its cooling strength. In this case, if you are technically skilled, you can apply a new thermal paste layer or just take some help from a good servicing center.

8. Use a cooling pad or a laptop cooler

As implied by its name, this is specially designed for laptops to cool them down.
Nowadays so many laptop coolers are available and they work without consuming any power. Before buying one, you should study your laptop and determine what you need. If your laptop has vents beneath it, you need a cooling pad that blows cool air upward.

Perhaps you are wondering how laptop cooling pads work?

Several fans are located on a laptop cooling pad so that cool air can be blown into the laptop. By plugging it into your laptop, you can turn on your laptop by placing it on the chill mat. Your laptop’s temperature is dropped by a few degrees when the fans kick on and throw cool air into it.


We described so many reasons why laptops overheat, as well as solutions that we have to use to fix the problem. also, make sure your laptop has some time to rest and if possible add more RAM. In some cases, you can try changing the CPU fan speed to ensure that it is working properly. A laptop that overheats can damage its components permanently, and that is a very serious problem.

Take a step forward now if your laptop gets overheated and make sure it is fixed. so you can use your laptop without any hassle.

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Kendrick Norbert

Kendrick is a technology writer who enjoys exploring the latest technologies and sharing what he learns with others. Kendrick offers readers the most reliable information and features about laptops by using the expertise of our research team.

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